I hope the Holiday's brought everyone cheer, loved ones & much fun! As the excitement of giving and receiving gifts becomes a fond memory and our full stomachs start to fit back into our pants, we realize Holiday Clean Up is upon us...
Here are some helpful & easy tips to get the clean up done faster.

1. TAKE DOWN THE TREE & spend $30 to $50 on proper storage items for your holiday gear. Target has wonderful storage solutions that are priced just right for your wreath, wrapping paper & ornaments.

2. STORE YOUR HOLIDAY LIGHTS PROPERLY. A great tip I learned from Martha a couple years back is use old cardboard 6-pack containers flattened, cut a notch on each side and wrap you lights around them. One string per carton.

3. DON'T JUST TOSS THE OLD TREE TO THE CURB...Instead, why not prop it up in a far corner of your backyard and add some bird feed to it? Little winter birdies will appreciate the extra food & it's always great fun to make the peanut butter & birdseed treats with the kiddos! http://www.osweb.com/kidzkorner/feeder.htm
Good Luck & Happy New Year -Jenny