Hi Friends,
I came across this blog post on one of my favorite design blogs, Tracery Interiors, so I thought it was definitely worth sharing.
By now we have all heard of the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12 that left one of the poorest countries in the world in a state of emergency beyond our imagination. The relief efforts popping up left & right can be borderline overwhelming. I know I find myself thinking-what’s legit? What will have the biggest impact? What is the best/easiest way for ME to give? [This is Bess, just in case you were wondering who 'Me' was] You can donate through the Red Cross, UNICEF, Care, Google, the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund & so many others. I found a great page through Google that you can get to by clicking [HERE] that breaks down many of the organizations. There are also great ways to donate that support the arts as well. Erika over at Urban Grace made her contribution by purchasing a print for her daughter, check that out [HERE]
Personally, I think I am going to be sending a check to the Stray Dog Designs Haitian Worker Relief Fund [HERE] Stray Dog Designs is a company we have supported for several years now-we love their message & their products. They strive to bring the design world funky, hand-made products that bring work & in-turn funds to artisans in third world countries. Their products are hand crafted in Haiti & Mexico. Stray Dog Designs has created their own relief fund so that they can donate directly to the hundreds of workers in Haiti that create all of their Papier Mache products, like the lamps pictured above & below. To give to this fund you can send a check to:
Stray Dog Designs
611 E. 11th St.
Chattanooga, TN 37403

Last but not least...as I was up late last night watching D. Letterman, WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran, was on the show talking about the importance of getting food to the survivors of the earthquake, FOOD IS AN IMMEDIATE NEED.

She showed on the program specially designed nutrition bar/crackers that will provide enough nutrition in one small meal for 24 hours - they are small, easy to transport, and cost about $2 per unit. This is a great way to help out. For more information click [HERE]
Thanks - Jenny
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